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Cereus bon

Cereus bon

Homoeopathic Potency Dilution

Description :
Mind.--Great desire to work and to be doing something useful.

Head.--Occipital headache and pain through the globe of the eyes and orbits (Cedron; Onos). Pain across the brain from left to right. Pain along right malar bone running to temple.

Chest.--Convulsive pains at the heart; feels as if transfixed. Pain in chest through heart, with pain running toward spleen. Pain in left pectoral muscle and cartilages of left lower ribs. Sensation of a great weight on heart, and pricking pain. Hypertrophy of heart. Difficult, sighing respiration, as from some compression of chest.

Skin.--Itching of skin (Dolich; Sulph).

Extremities.--Pain in neck, back, shoulders, down arms, hands and fingers. Pain in knees and joints of lower extremities.

Relationship.--Compare: Cactus; Spigel; Kalmia; Cereus serpentinus (Very irritable with tendency to swear; wild anger and low morals. Disturbance in speech; in writing leaves off the last syllable. Paralyzed feeling. Pains in heart, and dwindling of sexual organs. Emissions, followed by pain in testicles).
Dosage :
Third to sixth attenuation
Group :
Homoeopathic Potencies
Strength :
3,6, 12, 30, 200, 1000, 10M, 50M, CM, LM
Reference :

Strength Packing Price Quantity Total Action

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