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Homoeopathic Potency (dilution)

Indications / Symtoms :
Affects principally the nervous system; aching in bones. Complaints from abnormal sexual desire. Convulsions brought on by dazzling light or sight of running water.
Description :
Head.--Lyssophobia; fear of becoming mad. Emotion and bad news aggravate; also, thinking of fluids. Hypersensitiveness of all senses. Chronic headache. Boring pain in forehead.

Mouth.--Constant spitting; saliva tough, viscid. Sore throat; constant desire to swallow, which is difficult; gagging when swallowing water. Froths at mouth.

Male.--Lascivious; priapism, with frequent emissions. No emission during coition. Atrophy of testicles. Complaints from abnormal sexual desire.

Female.--Uterine sensitiveness; conscious of womb (Helon). Feels prolapsed. Vagina sensitive, rendering coition painful (Berberis). Uterine displacements.

Respiratory.--Voice altered in tone. Breathing held for a time. Spasmodic contraction of respiratory muscles.

Stool.--Desire for stool on hearing or seeing running water. Profuse, watery stools, with pain in bowels; worse, evening. Constant desire to urinate on seeing running water.

Modalities.--Worse, sight or sound of running water or pouring water, or even thinking of fluids; dazzling or reflected light; heat of sun; stooping.

Relationship.--Compare: Xanthium spinosum-Cockle--(said to be specific for hydrophobia and is recommended for chronic cystitis in women). Canth; Bell; Stram; Lach; Nat mur
Dosage :
-Thirtieth potency.
Group :
Homoeopathic Potencies
Strength :
3,6,12,30,200,1M,10M, 50M,CM, LM1 to LM10
Reference :

Strength Packing Price Quantity Total Action

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