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Homeopathic Remedies for Amenorrhoea

• Amenorrhoea, Suppressed menses from wet feet, nervous debility, or chlorosis.
• Tardy menses. Too late, scanty, thick, dark, clotted, changeable, intermittent.
• Chilliness, nausea, downward pressure, painful, flow intermits.
• Leucorrhoea acrid, burning, creamy.
• Pain in back; tired feeling.
• Diarrhoea during or after menses.
• Patient Weeps easily. Timid, irresolute.
• Fears in evening to be alone, dark, ghost.
• Likes sympathy.
Senecio aureus
Its action on the female organism has been clinically verified. Urinary organs also affected in a marked degree.
• Menses retarded, suppressed.
• Functional amenorrhea of young girls with backache.
• Before menses, inflammatory conditions of throat, chest, and bladder. After menstruation commences, these improve.
Anaemic dysmenorrhea with urinary disturbances.
• Has a wide action upon the cerebrospinal and muscular system, as well as upon the uterus and ovaries.
• Amenorrhea
• Pain in ovarian region; shoots upward and down anterior surface of thighs.
• Pain immediately before menses.
• Menses profuse, dark, coagulated, offensive with backache, nervousness; always irregular.
• Ovarian neuralgia. Pain across pelvis, from hip to hip.
• After-pains, with great sensitiveness and intolerance to pain.
Infra-mammary pains worse, left side.
• Patients who are rather stout, of fair complexion, with tendency to skin affections and constipation, fat, chilly, and costive, with delayed menstrual history.
• Menses too late, with constipation; pale and scanty, with tearing pain in epigastrium.
• Hoarseness, coryza, cough, sweats and morning sickness during menstruation.
• Leucorrhoea, pale, thin, profuse, white, excoriating, with great weakness in back.
• Mammae swollen and hard.
• Induration of ovaries and uterus and mammae.
• Nipples sore, cracked, and blistered.
• Decided aversion to coitus.
Apis mellifica
• Menses suppressed, with cerebral and head symptoms, especially in young girls.
• Dysmenorrhea, with severe ovarian pains.
• Bearing-down, as if menses were to appear.
• Ovarian tumors, metritis with stinging pains.
• Great tenderness over abdomen and uterine region.
• Patient with Apathy, indifference, and unconsciousness. Awkward; drops things readily.
• Jealously, fright, rage, vexation, grief. Cannot concentrate mind when attempting to read or study.
Other medicines include-
Aconite “suppression of menses in plethoric girls, fear and restlessness is well marked in girls.
Calcaria carb “suppression of menses on girls, who are fat, swelling and tenderness during menses, headache, chilliness and colic before menses
Apocynum “absence of menses in tropical conditions, dropsical swelling or distended abdomen, weakness and nervousness due to non-appearance of menses
Graphites “menses delayed and scanty or there is suppression of menses, usually associated with constipation
Onosmodium “patient has feeling as if menses would appear soon but does not appear
Opium “suppression of menses due to fright
Phosphorous “remarkable remedy for amenorrhea, bleeding from nose, eyes instead of menses
Causticum “menses during day only, ceases during night. Well known medicine for amenorrhea
Kali carb delayed menses in young girls, suppression of menses from fright
Lycopodium “amenorrhea in young girls with underdeveloped breasts, suppression of menses from fright.
Colocynth “there is suppression of menses due to anger
Ignatia “amenorrhea or suppressed menses; grief, changeable mood in females
Sepia “absence of menses after breastfeeding of child,
Sulphur “too late menstruation, scanty and difficult menses, blood thick, black and excoriating
Thyreoidinum “amenorrhea due to over activity of pituitary gland
Pinus lamb. “Menses suppressed and delayed