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Kamal's Liniment

Kamal's Liniment

Pain Reliever

Indications / Symtoms :
It is muscular liniment relieves traumatic injuries, sprain, pain in the body particularly in the back and limbs, nodular swelling over joints, rheumatism of muscles and gout, ulnar nerve pain, sciatica and numbness.
Composition :
Ruta grave 3x, Hypericum �, Ledum pal � , Iodium �, Gaultheria �
Dosage :
Take required quantity of liniment and rub gentle (more rubbing can produce burning with heat,) two to three times a day then cover with bandage or a piece of cloth to avoid cloth.

Class NamePackage SizePriceQuantityTotalAction
Oil 120 ML
Rs. 230

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