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Dolichos pruriens

Dolichos pruriens

Homoeopathic Potency (Dilution)

Indications / Symtoms :
A right-sided medicine, with pronounced liver and skin symptoms. A general intense itching without eruption. Exalted nervous sensibility. Senile pruritus. Hćmorrhoidal diathesis.
Description :
Throat.--Pain in throat, worse swallowing, below right angle of jaw, as if splinter were imbedded vertically. Pain in gums prevents sleep.

Abdomen.--Colic from getting feet wet. Constipation, with intense itching; bloated abdomen. White stools. Swelling of liver. Hćmorrhoids, with burning sensation.

Skin.--Intense itching, with no swelling or rash; worse across shoulders, also about elbows and knees and hairy parts. Jaundice. Yellow in spots; itching excessively at night. Herpes zoster (Ars).

Modalities.--Worse, at night, scratching, right side.

Relationship.--Compare: Rhus; Bell; Hep; Nit ac; Fagopyr.
Dosage :
Dose.--Sixth potency. Tincture, drop doses, in hćmorrhoids.
Group :
Homoeopathic Potenices
Strength :
3,6,12,30.200,1M,10M,50M,CM,LM1 to Lm10
Reference :

Strength Packing Price Quantity Total Action

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