Homoeopathic Potency (Dilution)
Indications / Symtoms : |
The use of this drug in Homeopathy has been confined to its action on the alimentary tract. It produces a diarrhœa very similar to Croton. >From its pathogenesis, it is very evident that it has very intense and definite action especially on the gastro-enteric tract. |
Description : |
Head.--Heavy, with inertia, and drowsiness. Itching and burning in eyes; lids stick together, with sneezing. Gastro-enteric Symptoms.--Feeling of coldness at edge of teeth. Great irritability of the stomach; burning, smarting, and dryness of the tongue and throat. Pain in the stomach after food. Tenderness in epigastrium. Pain and distention of abdomen from flatulence, after stool. Rumbling and rolling. Dysentery, with retained scybala, with pain in sacral region. Diarrhœa, with sudden and forcible ejection of bilious stools. Tenesmus after, with burning at anus. Ileo-cæcal region sensitive to pressure. Profuse, watery diarrhœa in hot weather, particularly old people. Pain in coccyx. Modalities.--Worse, towards evening and at night. Relationship.--Compare: Croton; Aloes; Pod. |
Dosage : |
Dose.--Third to thirtieth potency. Gamboge painted on the chest in lung tuberculosis is considered by Abrams specific and incipient cases are symptomatically cured in several weeks. |
Group : |
Homoeopathic Potencies |
Strength : |
3,6,12,30,200,1M,10M,50M,CM,LM1 to LM10 |
Reference : |
Strength | Packing | Price | Quantity | Total | Action |
Homoeopathic Potency Dilution
Homoeopathic Potency (Dilution)
Cholesterine--The proximate principle--Furnished by the epithelium lining of gall bladder and the larger ducts