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GLONOINUM : GL = Glycerin; O = Oxygen; N = Nitrogen Nitro-glycerine--Spirits Glycerinus Nitrate

Indications / Symtoms :
Recent German provings of Glonoine confirm the original American provings and clinical indications and bring out very marked nerve disturbances. Great lassitude, no inclination to work; extreme irritability, easily excited by the slightest opposition, ending in congestive head symptoms. The sixth potency alone produced itching all over body with later acne and furuncle formation, also bulimy.

Description :
Head.--Confusion, with dizziness. Effects of sunstroke; heat on head, as in type-setters and workers under gas and electric light. Head heavy, but cannot lay it on pillow. Cannot bear any heat about head. Better from uncovering head. Throbbing headache. Angio-spastic neuralgia of head and face. Very irritable. Vertigo on assuming upright position. Cerebral congestion. Head feels enormously large, as if skull were too small for brain. Sun headaches; increases and decreases with the sun. Shocks in head, synchronous with pulse. Headache in place of menses. Rush of blood to head in pregnant women. Threatened apoplexy. Meningitis.

Eyes.--See everything half light, half dark. Letters appear smaller. Sparks before eyes.

Mouth.--Pulsating toothache.

Ears.--Throbbing; each beat of heart is heard in ears; full feeling.

Face.--Flushed, hot, livid, pale; sweaty; pains in root of nose; faceache. Dusky face.

Throat.--Neck feels full. Collars must be opened. Chokes and swells up under ears.

Stomach.--Gastralgia in anćmic patients with feeble circulation. Nausea and vomiting. Faint, gnawing, and empty feeling at pit of stomach. Abnormal hunger.

Abdomen.--Constipation with itching, painful hćmorrhoids, with pinching in abdomen before and after stool. Diarrhśa; copious blackish, lumpy stools.

Female.--Menses delayed, or sudden cessation with congestion to head. Climacteric flushing.

Heart.--Laborious action. Fluttering. Palpitation with dyspnśa. Cannot go uphill. Any exertion brings on rush of blood to heart and fainting spells. Throbbing in the whole body to finger-tips.

Extremities.--Itching all over, worse extremities. Pain in left biceps. Drawing pain in all limbs. Backache.

Modalities.--Better, brandy. Worse, in sun; exposure to sun-rays, gas, open fire; jar, stooping, having hair cut; peaches, stimulants; lying down; from 6 am to noon; left side.

Relationship.--Antidote: Acon.
Dosage :
Sixth to thirtieth potency.
Group :
Homeopathic potency
Strength :
3,6, 12, 30, 200, 1000, 10M, 50M, CM, LM
Reference :

Strength Packing Price Quantity Total Action

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