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Homoeopathic Potency (dilution)

Indications / Symtoms :
The stearopten from the essential oil of Mentha. Mucous membrane of naso-pharynx and spinal nerve plexus, producing neuritic pains and parethesias. Menthol has proved curative in acute nasal catarrh; in acute eustachian catarrh; pharyngitis; laryngitis; neuralgias, etc (Wm. B. Griggs, M. D). Itching, especially pruritus valvć
Description :
Head.--Frontal headache, pain over frontal sinus, descends to eyeballs. Mental confusion. Supra orbital pain over left eye. Pain in face above zygoma with numbness. Pain in eyeballs. Coryza with post-nasal dripping. Cold sensation in nose. Eustachian tubes feel blocked and some deafness.

Respiratory.--Tickling in the fauces. Stabbing pains in the prćcordia, radiating over entire chest. Short, dry cough, worse smoking. Asthmatic breathing, with congestive headache.

Extremities.--Muscular pain in cervical region, Soreness of lumbar muscles.

Relationship.--Compare: Kali bich; Spigel.
Dosage :
Sixth potency. Externally for itching, use 1 per cent solution or ointment.
Group :
Homoeopathic Potencies
Strength :
3,6,12,30,200,1M, 10M,50M,CM,LM1 to LM10
Reference :

Strength Packing Price Quantity Total Action

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