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Oleum santali

Oleum santali

Homoeopathic Potency (dilution)

Indications / Symtoms :
The action in the urinary and sexual spheres is most utilizable, especially in gonorrhśa. It is also a stimulating, disinfectant expectorant. Two or three drops on sugar will frequently relieve the hacking cough, when but little sputum is expectorated.
Description :
Male.--Painful erections; swelling of the prepuce. Thick, yellowish, muco-purulent discharge. Deep pain in perineum.

Urine.--Frequent, burning, smarting swelling, and redness of meatus. Stream small and slow. Acute aching in kidney region. Sensation of a ball pressing against the urethra; worse, standing. Gleet, with profuse, thick discharge; chronic cystitis.
Dosage :
Two to ten m in capsules.
Group :
Homoeopathic Potencies
Strength :
3,6,12,30,200,1M,10M,50M,CM,LM1 to LM10
Reference :

Strength Packing Price Quantity Total Action

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