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Ranunculus scl

Ranunculus scl

Homoeopathic Potency Dilution

Indications / Symtoms :
Is more irritating than others of this botanical family, as seen in the skin symptoms. Boring, gnawing pain very marked. Pemphigus. Periodical complaints. Fainting with pain in stomach.
Description :
Head.--Gnawing in one spot left of vertex. Frightful dreams about corpses, serpents, battles, etc. Fluent coryza, with sneezing and burning micturition.

Mouth.--Teeth and gums sensitive. Tongue mapped denuded patches. Mouth sore and raw. Burning and rawness of tongue.

Abdomen.--Sensation of a plug behind umbilicus. Pain over region of liver, with sensation as if diarrhśa would set it. Pressure as of a plug behind right false ribs; worse, deep inspiration.

Chest.--Integument sensitive. Bruised pain and weakness in the chest every evening. Sore burning behind xiphoid cartilage.

Skin.--Vesicular eruption, with tendency to form large blisters. Acrid exudation, which makes surrounding parts sore.

Extremities.--Boring pain. Sudden burning sticking in right toe. Corns, with burning and soreness, especially when feet hang down. Gout in fingers and toes.
Dosage :
First to third potency
Group :
Homoeopathic Potencies
Strength :
3,6, 12, 30, 200, 1000, 10M, 50M, CM, LM
Reference :

Strength Packing Price Quantity Total Action

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