Homoeopathic Potency (Diluation)
Indications / Symtoms : |
Action on mucous membrane of the nose and the lachrymal glands, producing coryza and symptoms like hay-fever, which have been utilized homeopathically. |
Description : |
Chilliness; sensitive to cold. Ascarides, with reflex symptoms (nymphomania; convulsive symptoms). Children's diarrhœa with constant cutting pains. Mind.--Nervous, timid, easily startled. Has erroneous notions about himself. Imagines that he is very sick; that parts are shrunken; that she is pregnant; that she has cancer; delirium during intermittents. Head.--Vertigo with sensation as though all things were turning around each other, accompanied by blackness before eyes and sensation of fainting. Dullness and oppression. Over-sensitiveness to odors. Thinking produces headache and sleeplessness. Eyelids red, burning. Lachrymation. Difficult hearing. Nose.--Spasmodic sneezing, with running nose. Coryza, with severe frontal pains and redness of eyes and lachrymation. Copious, watery, nasal discharge. Throat.--Sore; begins on left side (Lach). Much tough phlegm. Sensation of a skin hanging loosely; must swallow it. Warm food and drink relieve. Empty swallowing most painful. Dry fauces and throat. Sensation of a lump in throat with constant necessity to swallow. Chronic sore throat; worse, from cold air. Tongue as if burnt. Stomach.--Spasmodic pain in stomach with dry cough and difficult breathing. No thirst. Loathing for strong food. Canine appetite for sweets and farinaceous food. Pyrosis; copious salivation. Cold, empty feeling in stomach. Desire for hot things. Sweetish taste. Female.--Menses too late; come by fits and starts. Intermit (Kreos; Puls). (due to transient and localized congestion of womb alternating with chronic anæmic state). Fever.--Chill predominates; from below upwards. Heat in head and face; hands and feet icy cold, with chill. Lachrymation during paroxysm. Thirstless. Extremities.--Cracking of skin under and beneath toe; inflammation under toe-nails. Skin.--Dry, like parchment. Horny, deformed, thickened nails. Hot, burning, creeping, crawling sensation. Itching in anus. Modalities.--Worse, cold and cold drinks, full moon. Better, warm food and drink, wrapped up. Relationship.--Complementary: Sepia. Compare: Veratrina (is alkaloid of Sabadilla, not of Veratrum, locally in neuralgias, and for removal of dropsy. Five grains to two drams Lanolin, rubbed on inside of thighs, causes diuresis). Colch; Nux; Arundo and Pollatin. Phleum pratense-Timothy-Hay-fever-Potentized-12-specific to many cases and evidently acts in a desensitizing manner (Rabe). Cumarinum (hay-fever). Antidotes: Puls; Lycop; Conium; Lach. |
Dosage : |
Third to thirtieth potency. |
Group : |
Homoeopathic Potencies |
Strength : |
3, 6, 12, 30, 200, 1M, 10M, 50M, CM, LM (1-10) |
Reference : |
Strength | Packing | Price | Quantity | Total | Action |
Homoeopathic Potency Dilution
Homoeopathic Potency Dilution