Indications / Symtoms : |
Strophanthus is a muscle poison; it increases the contractile power of all striped muscles. Acts on the heart; increasing the systole and diminishes the rapidity. May be used with advantage to tone the heart, and run off dropsical accumulations. |
Description : |
In small doses for weak heart; it feels enlarged. In mitral regurgitation, where œdema and dropsy have supervened (Digit). Strophanthus occasions no gastric distress, has no cumulative effects, is a greater diuretic, and is safer for the aged, as it does not affect the vaso-motors. In pneumonia and in severe prostration from hæmorrhage after operations and acute diseases. After the long use of stimulants; irritable heart of tobacco-smokers. Arterio-sclerosis; rigid arteries of aged. Restores tone to a brittle tissue, especially of the heart muscle and valves. Especially useful in failing compensation dependent upon fatty heart. Hives. Anæmia with palpitation and breathlessness. Exophthalmia goitre. Corpulent persons. Head.--Temporal pains with double vision, impaired sight; brilliant eyes, flushed face. Senile vertigo. Stomach.--Nausea with special disgust for alcohol and so aids in treatment of dipsomania. Seven drops of tincture. Urinary.--Increased secretion; scanty and albuminous. Female.--Menorrhagia; uterine hæmorrhage; uterus heavily congested. Aching pain through hips and thighs during climacteric. Respiratory.--Dyspnœa, especially on ascending. Lungs congested. Œdema of lungs. Bronchial and cardiac asthma. Heart.--Pulse quickened. Heart's action weak, rapid irregular, due to muscular debility; and insufficiency. Cardiac pain. Skin.--Urticaria, especially more chronic forms. Extremities.--Swollen, dropsical. Anasarca. Relationship.--Compare: Digit (but is slower than strophant in its action); Phos ac (weak heart, irregular pulse, fluttering sensation in cardiac region, palpitation during sleep, fainting). |
Dosage : |
Tincture and 6x potency. In more acute cases, five to ten drops of the tincture three times a day. |
Group : |
Homoeopathic Potencies |
Strength : |
3, 6, 12, 30, 200, 1M, 10M, 50M, CM, LM (1-10) |
Reference : |
Strength | Packing | Price | Quantity | Total | Action |
Homoeopathic Potency (Dilution)