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Thlaspi bursa

Thlaspi bursa

Shepherd's Purse (CAPSELLA)

Indications / Symtoms :
Is an anti-hæmorrhagic and anti-uric-acid remedy. Albuminuria during gestation. Chronic neuralgia. Renal and vesical irritation. Hæmorrhage from uterine fibroid with aching in back or general bruised soreness.
Description :
Aching between scapulæ. Uterine hæmorrhage, with cramps and expulsion of clots. Craves buttermilk. Effects of suppressed uterine disease (Burnett).

Head.--Eyes and face puffy. Frequent epistaxis. Vertigo; worse, rising. Frontal pain; worse toward evening. Scaly eruption behind ears. Tongue white, coated. Mouth and lips cracked. Sharp pain over right eye drawing eye upwards.

Nose.--Bleeding in nasal operations. Especially passive hæmorrhage.

Male.--Spermatic cord sensitive to concussion of walking or riding.

Female.--Metrorrhagia; too frequent and copious menses. Hæmorrhage, with violent uterine colic. Every alternate period very profuse. Leucorrhœa before and after menses; bloody, dark, offensive; stains indelibly. Sore pain in womb on rising. Scarcely recovers from one period before another begins.

Urinary.--Frequent desire; urine heavy, phosphatic. Chronic cystitis. Dysuria and spasmodic retention. Hæmaturia. Accumulation of gravel. Renal colic. Brick-dust sediment. Urethritis; urine runs away in little jets. Often replaces the use of the catheter.

Relationship.--Compare: Urtica; Croc; Trill; Millefol.
Dosage :
Tincture, to sixth potency.
Group :
Homoeopathic Potencies
Strength :
3,6, 12, 30, 200, 1000, 10M, 50M, CM, LM (1-10)
Reference :

Strength Packing Price Quantity Total Action

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