Description : |
Has a specific action on the ear. Affects especially dark-haired patients; supra-orbital and orbital regions; rheumatism in upper parts of the body when on the right side. Worm affections in children (Teuc). Locally, for pain due to uterine fibroids. Also against snake-bites, bee-stings. Tension extends to upper half of face and ears. Head.--Burning of the forehead. Vertigo; everything in head seems to whirl around. Heaviness of head, with sensation of weakness in muscles of nape of neck. Scalp tense; must knit the brows. Tendency to pain immediately above eyebrows. Throbbing under eye and temple. Headache across the forehead. Acts upon frontal sinuses. Hysterical attacks in tuberculous patients. Eyes.--Heaviness of lids. Eyeball feels compressed. Flames before eyes. Myopia. Choroiditis. Illusions of vision; fiery, serpentine circles. Ears.--Shooting in ears. Aversion to music. Roaring and tickling. Deep stitches beneath ears. Deafness; otorrhœa. Ear affections with pain in eyeballs. Respiratory.--Torpor in the end of nose, as from a blow. Dry, short, spasmodic cough and dyspnœa; worse in daytime. Oppression of chest. Pertussis, with hoarseness. Dyspnœa during pregnancy. Difficult breathing, anxiety and palpitation, with hysteria. Extremities.--Rheumatism of the deltoid muscle. Trembling of limbs. Pressing pain in right carpal and metacarpal joints. (Ulmus). Urinary.--Milky urine; smells strong. Enuresis in nervous children. Modalities.--Worse, cool air. Relationship.--Compare: Ulmus (formication in feet, numb, creeping pain in legs and feet; rheumatic pains above wrists; numbness, tingling, and full soreness where gastrocnemius gives off its tendon); Chenopodium (ears; serous or bloody effusion in the labyrinth; chronic otitis media; progressive deafness to the voice, but sensitive to sounds of passing vehicles and other sounds; buzzing; absent or deficient bone conduction; a consciousness of the ear; hearing better for shrill, high-pitched sounds than for low ones); Aur; Puls; Sep; Ign; Cina; Cauloph (in rheumatism of small joints). |
Dosage : |
First to sixth potency |
Group : |
Homoeopathic Potencies |
Strength : |
3,6, 12, 30, 200, 1000, 10M, 50M, CM, LM |
Reference : |
Strength | Packing | Price | Quantity | Total | Action |
Homoeopathic Potency Dilution
Homoeopathic Potency Dilution