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Description :
Has marked effects on the throat, and has proven an excellent remedy in pharyngitis, especially the follicular form. Irritable throats of singers and public speakers. Useful also in hćmorrhoids. Hay-fever symptoms; itching in posterior nares.

Head.--Nervous, uneasy, depressed. Dizzy. Rush of blood to head. Sharp pain in forehead.

Mouth.--Feels as if scalded; sensation of heat down śsophagus. Itching of the palate.

Throat.--Constant clearing and hemming. Dry, posterior nares; no relief from clearing. Throat feels swollen; epiglottis dry and burning. Difficult swallowing. Constant desire to swallow saliva. Uvula feels elongated.

Stomach.--Sense of weight. Belching of wind alternating with hiccough. Nausea and vomiting.

Abdomen.--Pain below ribs of right side.

Stool.--Loose, dark, at night. Itching of anus. Constipation, with hćmorrhoids; not bleeding.

Respiratory.--Dry, hacking cough, caused by tickling of the epiglottis. Burning sensation in the bronchial tubes. Tendency to get hoarse talking or singing; throat hot, dry. Dry asthma.

Female.--Pain in left ovary, shooting down to knee. Pain in uterus; could outline its contour.

Extremities.--Pain in back; extends to end of spine. Pain right arm, stiffness of wrist and hand. Aching pains all over.

Fever.--Chill at 11 am. Thirst for ice-water during chill. No thirst with heat. Profuse sweat all night. Terrific headache during sweat.

Relationship.--Compare: Arum; Sang; Lach.
Dosage :
First to sixth potency
Group :
Homoeopathic Potencies
Strength :
3,6, 12, 30, 200, 1000, 10M, 50M, CM, LM
Reference :

Strength Packing Price Quantity Total Action

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