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Luzy Syrup

Luzy Syrup

For the relief of constipation

Indications / Symtoms :
Helps to relieve all kind of acute and chronic constipation caused by impaired intestinal movement, hemorrhoids, flatulence, trauma, mental stress, travelling and during/ after pregnancy, also useful for bleeding, fissures and pain in anus along with constipation.
Composition :
Each ml contains
Bryonia �, Collinsonia �, Mag, phos. 6x, Phenophathalein 1x, Hydrastis 3x
Excipients = q.s
Dosage :
One tablespoon for every evacuation and take two tablespoons for loose motion. For better result, drink one glass of luke warm water/ milk before talking the medicine or as directed by the physician.

Class NamePackage SizePriceQuantityTotalAction
Syrup 120ml
Rs. 210

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