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Happi Kidney Syrup (Sugar free)

Happi Kidney Syrup (Sugar free)

Relieves in symptoms of urinary infection, cystitis & helps to excrete kidney stones

Indications / Symtoms :
Happi-Kidney is indicated for the relief of urinary tract infections and renal calculi (stones) characterized by symptoms of difficult or painful urination, presence of red blood cells in urine, low urine output and swelling with nausea, vomiting and pain in lower back. In case of renal calculi, it helps to eliminates stones from kidney and urinary tract. It is useful remedy as a bacteria killer and pain reliever in all type of UTI (Urinary Tract Infection).
Composition :
Formica rufa 3CH, Belladonna 3CH, Smilax ornata 3CH, Colocynthis 3CH, Pulsatilla 3CH, Urtica urens 3CH, Solidago virg 3DH, Berberis vulg 3DH, Pariera brava 3DH, Nephrine 4CH
Excipients =q. s
Dosage :
Children: One teaspoon three times a day. Adult: One tablespoon three times a day.
Group :
Therapeutic Index :
Geneto urinary complaints

Class NamePackage SizePriceQuantityTotalAction
Syrup 120ml
Rs. 300
Syrup 240ml
Rs. 620

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