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Part Used :
The fresh root.
Physiological Actions :
This agent is a stomachic and intestinal tonic increasing the secretion of the gastric and intestinal juices and promoting the appetite. It increases the peristaltic action of the stomach and intestinal walls. Increasing their muscular tone and favor
Pricing Class :
Description :
Cancer and precancerous states before ulceration when pain is the principal symptoms.
Scirrhous tumors developing n glandular tissue.Goitre of puberty and pregnancy.Tumor of breast.
Liver torpid tender,jaundice,Gallstones.Constipation with hemorrhoids.Constipation dependent on inertia or congestion of the lower abdomen or when it is the result of sedentary habit or purgative medicines.
Erosion and excoriation of cervix.Leucorrhea,worse after menses,acrid and corroding,shreddy tenacious.
Dosage :
Hydrastis can.Q 5 drop thrice daily in cancer of soft palate.Hydrastis can 1x,2 drops every 3 hourly in cancer of last part of intestine.Hydrastis can Q 5 drop 4 times a day.
Group :
Mother Tincture
Therapeutic Index :
Cancer, Tumour
Strength :
Reference :
EHP & Materia Medica

Class NamePackage SizePriceQuantityTotalAction
Rs. 0

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